Welcome to the enchanting realm of Rusty Dragon Forge, a captivating sanctuary of masterful metalwork guided by the skilled hand of Dale Brannigan—an accomplished virtuoso at the anvil. Embark on a mesmerizing journey that unfurled its origins in 2014, when he and his family embarked on a transformative odyssey from the picturesque landscapes of New England to the vibrant tapestry of North Carolina, driven by a higher purpose.
The year 2017 marked the birth of Rusty Dragon Forge within the confines of a suburban garage—a sanctum alive with sparks and dreams. It was a humble genesis, an inkling that hinted at destiny's design, as he sought refuge to breathe life into the burgeoning creations within his heart. With each harmonious clang of hammer meeting anvil, a symphony unfolded, giving rise to both ornate marvels and utilitarian treasures.